Career Ready
Career Ready believe that every young person, regardless of background, should have the opportunity and skills to realise their potential through rewarding careers. That’s why they work across the UK to connect young people with volunteers from the world of work and high-quality workplace experiences.

Careers and Enterprise Company
The Careers & Enterprise Company was established by government in 2015 to help link schools and colleges to employers and external careers providers to bring inspiration and insight to young people. It does this by supporting schools and colleges to implement best practice standards for careers provision and provides training and resources for all Careers Leaders.

Institue of Student Employers (ISE)
The Institute of Student Employers (ISE), is an independent, not-for-profit member organisation that was established in 1968. As the UK’s leading independent voice for student employers, their vision is that the success of every business is maximised by full access to student talent.

My Kinda Future
MyKindaFuture, is a mission-led business, empowering all young people to successfully move from education to year-1 in job. Whilst supporting these young people, MyKindaFuture provides a strong ROI to employers by tackling skills shortages and increasing diversity in their workforce. MyKindaFuture firmly believes that diversity and inclusion leads to a more innovative, engaged and productive workforce, where everybody ‘wins’.

National Careers Week
National Careers Week (NCW) is a celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK. The aim is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people leaving education.

Rest Less
Rest Less is the digital community designed to help those in their 50s, 60s and beyond find fulfilling jobs, new careers and volunteering opportunities.
Click here to visit partner website.

U-Explore (Start)
Start is a free, online careers platform, designed to connect 11-18 year olds with their future career potential.

Modern Muse & Everywoman
Modern Muse’s aim is to eradicate the gender pay gap in the workplace by empowering girls to lead in the world’s top industries.

World Skills UK
WorldSkills UK is all about helping young people go further, faster in their careers, gaining the skills that employers need most. We help young people from all backgrounds get the best start in work and life.

Department for Work & Pensions
The Department for Work and Pensions provide services in a number of ways, for example through Jobcentre Plus, The Pension Service, the Child Maintenance Service and partner organisations. Jobcentre Plus helps people move from benefits into work and helps employers advertise jobs. It also deals with benefits for people who are unemployed or unable to work because of a health condition or disability.